Countless Ways To Kneel and Kiss the Ground

Countless Ways To Kneel and Kiss the Ground

Version 2
Version 2
Version 1
Initial collage
Initial collage

“There are hundreds — no, countless ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” —Pat Schneider, How the Light Gets In: Writing as Spiritual Practice

The title of the above book, How the Light Gets In (which I have thoroughly enjoyed) comes from lines by Leonard Cohen:

Ring the bells that still ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.

And this morning, flipping through old sketch/notebooks, I read a fragment of words from months ago:

When she was four,
I found her methodically
breaking glasses in the kitchen,
staring astonished
at the shattered constellations
on the scuffed floor.

I enjoy breaking type now and then, scuffing things up, to see the fragments. Sometimes the light streams in.

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